Janmotsav 2025: Paramahansa Yogananda Avirbhav Celebrations at YSS Ranchi Ashram


Man has come on earth solely to learn to know God; he is here for no other reason. This is the true message of the Lord. To all those who seek and love Him, He tells of that great Life where there is no pain, no old age, no war, no death — only eternal assurance. In that Life nothing is destroyed. There is only ineffable happiness that will never grow stale — a happiness always new.

 Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda                                                            

YSS Ranchi Ashram will commemorate the Avirbhav Divas (birth anniversary) of Gurudeva Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda on January 5, 2025 with a special Janmotsav programme.

The details of Janmotsav celebrations at YSS Ranchi Ashram will be shared later:

To download the Calendar of Events 2024 at YSS Ranchi Ashram, please click here.

For more information, please contact the Reception at YSS Ranchi Ashram by clicking here.